
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Remenants of a Chilling Time

Memorial Park 
Berlin Wall Exhibit
As I stood before this portion of the wall  two weeks ago reading the dedication I couldn't help but remember how for three decades the mention of the Berlin Wall sent chills down my spine. I always imagined the wall to be much thicker, much taller. Oh, I don't know but some how I imagined it to be much more sinister looking than this small section that stood before me.

For so long the words Berlin Wall only brought to mind oppression and tyranny and a wish to somehow change the plight of all trapped behind the wall. Twenty five years after the fall those same words serve as proof of hope, proof that freedom can be gained, that the oppressions of tyranny can be escaped. One of the many wonderful articles on the coverage of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall can be found here on CNN.

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