
Wednesday, July 10, 2013


After a long weekend away visiting family and friends in Sioux Falls I came home tired but with a revitalized sense of purpose. Last week while creating this I had an idea for a very different piece but wasn't exactly sure how I wanted to do it until I got home from our mini vacation. I knew I wanted to create a piece that represented the infusion of hopes and dreams through education.
The creative juices were definitely flowing yesterday. Not only was I able to find all the right photographs for the piece and complete the artwork, but I also wrote a short verse to go along with the artwork.  Here are the results.

Title: Infusion; 16x20 prints available through Artistix Network LLC

by Nita Davis

One cold dreary winter day I crossed the threshold of an old deserted school house. Easing into a long vacant seat, I couldn't help but feel a warmth seep right down to my heart. Listening intently I thought I heard a soft voice whisper "Although my seats are long empty,  sit quietly and you will feel the struggles, the excitement, the laughter that once filled me from wall to wall. I sheltered and protected so many young minds as their lessons were imparted. In return each child left a bit of themselves upon my boards." There I sat in wonder as the spirit of a hundred years infused my soul.

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