I applaud the unknown artist for not only their talent but for the appropriateness of their choice to paint beautiful life like portraits of animals in this location. I say this because the name of the bridge is the Bear Creek Parkway bridge, what better place for a lovely doe to be scampering across the walls. I imagine it is this combination that has led to the Parks Department and the city's acceptance of the artwork to the point that Parks Manager Gary Davis said they will not paint over the graffiti and actually issued an offer to the artist to paint a mural in the tunnel. Check out Keller Parks Department's Facebook Post to see the beautiful doe.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
The AC Wonder Award: Bringing Joy with Graffiti
In 2016 I decided to acknowledge the good deeds of others' which have filled me with admiration, amazement or awe with an award I call the AC Wonder Award. With all the negativity that floods the news I feel it is important that we seek out good news lest we become disheartened with society. This week I found a story of a graffiti artist and a city parks manager who have brought joy to their community.
Msn.com recently shared an article by John Boyd of the Houston Chronicle about a graffiti artist that has touched the heart of the residents of Keller Texas, a suburb of Dallas. The artist began painting beautiful portraits of animals in a tunnel under a city bridge.
I applaud the unknown artist for not only their talent but for the appropriateness of their choice to paint beautiful life like portraits of animals in this location. I say this because the name of the bridge is the Bear Creek Parkway bridge, what better place for a lovely doe to be scampering across the walls. I imagine it is this combination that has led to the Parks Department and the city's acceptance of the artwork to the point that Parks Manager Gary Davis said they will not paint over the graffiti and actually issued an offer to the artist to paint a mural in the tunnel. Check out Keller Parks Department's Facebook Post to see the beautiful doe.
I applaud the unknown artist for not only their talent but for the appropriateness of their choice to paint beautiful life like portraits of animals in this location. I say this because the name of the bridge is the Bear Creek Parkway bridge, what better place for a lovely doe to be scampering across the walls. I imagine it is this combination that has led to the Parks Department and the city's acceptance of the artwork to the point that Parks Manager Gary Davis said they will not paint over the graffiti and actually issued an offer to the artist to paint a mural in the tunnel. Check out Keller Parks Department's Facebook Post to see the beautiful doe.
Friday, January 27, 2017
The AC Menagerie Bulletin
Welcome to the January 27th addition of
The AC Menagerie Bulletin
The AC Menagerie Bulletin is a digital newspaper highlighting brief accounts of happenings around the Zoo (our home) and on blogs by myself (Nita Davis). Sit back, relax and enjoy while you catch up with the Davis family.
Life News
It is a good thing that my life motto is 'You can't change the wind, so adjust your sails!', because that is exactly what I have been trying to do for the last three months. My sea is still a bit on the turbulent side but my sails are in a better place, so I should be able to focus better. While I haven't been blogging, I have been tucking tid-bits into my blog folder so here's a bit of the fun stuff from the last few months.
Holiday News
I decided to dress up as Cleopatra to go to a Halloween Party only to discover that I missed the party as it was on the Friday before Halloween and not on Halloween. ????? I was very disappointed as it took me a week to make all the accessories for the costume and was really looking forward to a fun night.
Sissy was certainly in the festive spirit and made these cute little reindeer ears and tail to wear to school.
We went to my oldest son's place for thanksgiving dinner. After dinner we put up their Christmas tree.
Sports News
On the last nice day of Fall I took Bubba to the soccer field at his school so he could have a bit of fun with one of his friends.
Educational News
At the beginning of the month Sissy's 7th Grade Social Studies Class was divided into groups of four and given a big assignment. Each group had to pick a country for which they were to put together a report and presentation. It was very similar to a science fair presentation, with a project board and if possible physical examples for various categories. Of course it covered all the typical topics; culture, government ... et cetera. The group divide the topic's up and Sissy, who LOVES anything Japanese, got her two favorite topics; culture and food. At first she wanted to wear the Kimono I made her five years ago, but I convinced her that it was both too small and more an American version rather than a traditional Kimono. I suggested that since she was already planning on making a Gothic Steam-punk dress she just make it a Gothic Lolita Steam-punk dress and that is what we did. She planned the design and made the skirt. Because the top and vest were beyond her sewing skill level I helped her make them. She also took some Pocky and Ramune. All in all their project and presentation turned out very well.
Travel News
Portrait Photography News
Work has been slow but I have been keeping busy. I have been taking advantage of the slow season to continue my photography education by taking a few photography classes and by giving my Portrait Photography website a much needed revamp. Here's what the homepage looks like, what do you think? I realize nearly every other professional portrait photographers website has a white background, but the artist in me insists I be original and remain true to myself.
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Stop by and tell me what you think |
Two of my favorite recent portrait session were the Fashion Make-over I posted about here, and one of this darling newborn.
How do you like my new assistant?
Weekly Quote:
Success is not just for the chosen few but for the few who choose!
The Blog Review
On Artistic Composition this week:
- Wonders & Wishes:
Have you heard about the Taco Shop owner who is spreading warmth this winter? She is this weeks wonder.
- How to Stop Feeling Old: A Makeover Plus...?
If you are a woman and over 40 it is highly possible you are starting to feel old. In this post I share the story of a woman in her mid 50's who was feeling very old and how a philosophy and fashion makeover changed all that.
- Wonders & Wishes:
Have you heard about the Taco Shop owner who is spreading warmth this winter? She is this weeks wonder.
- How to Stop Feeling Old: A Makeover Plus...?
If you are a woman and over 40 it is highly possible you are starting to feel old. In this post I share the story of a woman in her mid 50's who was feeling very old and how a philosophy and fashion makeover changed all that.
On Nita's Photography this week:
- Temptations: My contributions to Jame's Weekend Reflection and Sky watch Friday.
- WW: Late Start: Winter kindly provided me with a fun Wordless Wednesday montage.
- Fall Rewind: Showcasing the beauty of nature and joy of youth
Now that you have a tiny clue what I've been up to, what have you been up to? I would love to here about it so, drop me a note in the comment section.
- Temptations: My contributions to Jame's Weekend Reflection and Sky watch Friday.
- WW: Late Start: Winter kindly provided me with a fun Wordless Wednesday montage.
- Fall Rewind: Showcasing the beauty of nature and joy of youth
Now that you have a tiny clue what I've been up to, what have you been up to? I would love to here about it so, drop me a note in the comment section.
Grasp Each Moment
Reach for the Moon
and don't forget to
Have a Fabulous Weekend!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Wonders N Wishes
There are so many wonderful things about Wednesday!
My short list:
- It is Hump Day! That wonderful middle of the week, half way to the weekend, let's celebrate making it over life's hump day!
- It is Wordless Wednesday! Whether you celebrate by seeking quiet solitude or by sharing image only posts, there's a sense of wonder in the wordless approach. Click here for my contributions to the sound of silence.
- It is 'not so' Wordless Wednesday over at Curious as a Cathy. Absolutely perfect for the chatter box in me. Of course I will be sharing this post there. :D
- It is Wish Day! That is right, the day designated by Claudya @ Unknown Mami's as the day to put a voice to our wishes. You will find my wish below.
- It is Wonders N Wishes Day! The day I am designating to share a 'Wonder' as well as a wish.
- I was born on a Wednesday. Yep, I just threw that out there. :)
This week's wonder
While looking for this weeks wonder I was doubly rewarded. Not only has Emilia Flores gone beyond the expected to fulfill a need in her community but the restaurant owner has brought a bit of warmth to this South Dakotan. Flores, the owner of The Taco Shop in Dallas put a coat rack out in front of her shop with a sign above it that says,
While reading the news article I got a warm fuzzy feeling and all of a sudden I was transported back to the mid 1960's. All the way back to California and my Nana's kitchen. A place filled with warmth, love and the soothing smell of fresh homemade tortillas. Thank you Emilia Flores.
Today I'm calling on the universe to grant the following wishes.
- Today is one of those day's that I wish there were more of me. One to blog, one to clean, one to run errands ... blah, blah, blah....LOL
- I'm also wishing and hoping that the universe sends a bit of monetary help my way.
- My last wish for this day is that all of you have a fantastic week!
As Claudya at Unknown Mami's says go ahead and wish, be it simple or big, when we give a voice to our wishes it helps us realize those wishes. So what are you wishing for? I would love to know, just put your wish in the comment section and I will gladly lend my wishing powers to your wish. Please join me in visiting Unknown Mami's Wish Wednesday so that we can lend our wishing powers to her and those she is wishing for.
amazing news,
Wonders N Wishes
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